WuZhou KingDa Mesh

What is a pen holder?

Datetime:2012-08-27 Hits:

What is a pen holder?

A pen and pencil holder does just what it implies; it holds pens and pencils. Although a box or a bag can also hold pencils and pens, a holder usually refers to a cylinder-shaped container in which the writing instruments are placed upright. It can be bought at an upscale store and made from the finest materials, or it can be as simple as peeling the label off of a washed food can and using it to hold writing implements.

Sometimes called a pen and pencil cup, a holder can be as simple as a favorite coffee cup that's too chipped or worn to use to drink out of. Someone can also buy coffee mugs from second hand stores to use for this purpose. Really, small vases or bowls can also work; a person just has to use his or her imagination.

For a fun, quick craft on a rainy day, parents can let kids make their own pen and pencil holders from clean food cans; adults should first make sure no sharp edges are left behind from the can opener. Some colored paper and/or scraps of ribbon and trim can transform a food can into a great holder. This is a craft that most children will enjoy and it has the added bonus of teaching them to keep their possessions neat.

Adults can make fabric-covered or decoupage holders that suit their work space. Another idea for those who do needle point, cross stitch or embroidery is to use up scraps of plastic canvas or cotton cloth and stitch up a cover for the can to create the pen and pencil holder. It may be handy for practicing those new stitches someone is trying to master too.

A purchased or hand-made pen and pencil holder can make an excellent gift for anyone with a home office. A friend can give the holder along with little storage baskets that coordinate with the color and material. Most people appreciate organizational items for their office supplies and can never have too many.