WuZhou KingDa Mesh

How to Keep Your Office Table Clean and Neat

Datetime:2012-10-24 Hits:

How to Keep Your Office Table Clean and Neat

It was your New Year's resolution, but the clutter just keeps building up...and before you know it, you've got a great big heap of mess on your desk.


1. Purchase a good tidy desk. If possible, buy some mini drawers as well. Boxes or drawers are incredibly useful.
2. Put up shelves, if possible. shelves, a bulletin board, calendar, and wastebasket are very important in keeping your desk neat, even though they aren't actually part of the desk.
3. Gather all the clutter and sort into the following piles:
RubbishPens/Pencils/Pins, etc.Books
Sort these into ones which you need on the desk and ones which have just decided to live there.If they don't belong there, put them away!Paper items
4. Put all of the rubbish in the bin. From now on, try to keep it off and from ever accumulating. This will not only clean your desk, it will keep it clean!!
5. Put the pencils, pens, pins, blu-tack/sticky tack and things of that kind into the desk tidy.
6. Put the books which you need on the desk in the drawers or in a NEAT pile on the desk if you do not have room. Put on the shelves, if you have any, this will free up work room. If you have bought things to put under the desk, put them there (this is where they come in handy).
7. Do the same with paper- putting it away and neatening it.
8. AfterAlthough it is so much better if you can simply keep your workspace clean, you don't absolutely have to. Tidy your desk at the end of the day so it is back to its original state if mess accumulated.