WuZhou KingDa Mesh

How to Disassemble a Folding Wire Dog cage

Datetime:2013-02-28 Hits:

How to Disassemble a Folding Wire Dog cage

Wire dog cages are popular due to their durability and the fact that they can be disassembled and folded up for easy storage. They come in many different sizes and are strong enough to be used for any type of dog. Wire cages come with a tray that slides underneath to catch any accidents and can be removed for easy cleaning. The cages themselves also can be cleaned easy by simply spraying them down with a garden hose.


1 Remove the tray that slides underneath the cage and set it to the side. If the tray sits inside the cage open up the top of the cage to remove it that way.

2 Close the door of the cage and lock it. If the cage has more than one door close and lock them all.

3 Open the top of the cage and let it fold down so it's resting against the side of the cage. For models that have a bottom also, flip the cage over and open the bottom the same way you opened the top.

4 Pick the cage up off of the ground with your hands on the opposite long sides of the cage. Fold the cage flat by pulling with one arm and pushing with the other.