WuZhou KingDa Mesh

Clean Shopping Carts

Datetime:2013-05-21 Hits:

Shopping carts contain a large variety of germs. According to researchers at Arizona State University, shopping carts have more germs than public telephones and restrooms. Many grocery stores provide sanitary wipes for customers to clean the shopping cart handle, but cleaning a cart entirely is the only way to limit the amount of bacteria spread through human contact, contaminated food items and outdoor debris.


Use Ammonia and water. Ammonia will effectively clean and disinfect hard plastic and metal. Fill half of a large spray bottle with ammonia and the other half with water. In a ventilated area, spray the entire shopping cart until it is dripping wet. Use a scrub brush to clean the cart. Spray the entire shopping cart again with the mixture and dry the cart thoroughly with a rag.

Use distilled white vinegar. Due to its high acid content, distilled white vinegar kills mold, bacteria and germs. Fill a large spray bottle with plain white vinegar and spray the entire shopping cart with it. Scrub the shopping cart with a scrub brush and thoroughly rinse the cart with hot water.

Spray the cart with hot water using a high-pressure water hose. High water pressure using hot water will remove food residue, oil, dirt and grime from a shopping cart. Spray the shopping cart entirely with the water hose until the cart is clean. Let the cart air dry or dry the shopping cart with a rag.